Ethan @ 20 months

Ethan @ 20 months
Ethan @ 20 months

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'll take another coffee please

We can finally feel better about guilty pleasures! put out an interesting article 10 Vices That Are Good For You.  Here's a quick summary:

1. Sleeping- I get 7-8 hours a day.  Seriously, I do!  My doctor doesn't believe me either.
2. Having a staycation-  Good Lord do I need one of these.  Or five.
3. Getting frisky-  This doesn't mean buying cat food.
4. Daily dose of chocolate- I hear it does a body good, but I'm not a huge fan.  I know ALOT of people who are though.
5. Girl's night out- That's right boys!  Keep this in mind...always.
6. Full-fat dressing- I've been preaching this for years.  Low/non/little/barely any there/we're replacing the good natural stuff with factory made sawdust food is gross.  Eat an avocado.
7. Two cups of coffee a day- My 305 calorie triple venti caramel macchiato isn't looking so bad now, does it?
8. Shoulder rubs- Now who doesn't like those?  Even Natedogg will sit in front of me so I'll give him a good back scratch.
9. Hello sun!-  Enjoy being outside in the sun, but be sure to put on the SPF.
10. Vino- yummmm wine with dinner.  Cheers!

Any guilty pleasures you'd like to share that aren't on this list?

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