I only drink red wine when I'm pregnant.
I know, it's weird to read and hear. But it's true!
When I was pregnant with Ethan, I would have one or two glasses of red wine a week. Since he turned out so well, I've continued with that intake and maybe an extra glass or two a week with this pregnancy.
I do have rules about drinking wine with pregnancy.
1. I never drink on an empty stomach or without eating while having a glass of wine.
2. I make sure it is for relaxation purposes only.
3. I often have two half glasses of wine to make one full glass. This makes it seem like I'm drinking two cocktails instead of just one. I usually have a glass of ice water in between.
4. It's ok to have a second glass, occasionally.
When we went to the 8 week confirmation doctor appointment (for pregnancy #2), I asked the doctor what his thoughts were on alcohol and pregnancy. I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes just a little but I feel as though it wasn't directed at me but at the ignorance that Americans have about alcohol and pregnancy.
He tells Jason and I that "Americans didn't just become smarter over the past 25 years. Humans have been drinking alcohol during pregnancy for thousands of years and we still exist as a successful species." True. "Europeans have been open about drinking during pregnancy for yeeears. Americans criticize them but they all turn out ok. Don't consume too much, have a beer with your pizza on Friday night." Yes, sir!
Of course you should only drink in moderation but there are benefits to drinking red wine*:
1. Red wine contains resveratrol which protects the heart and arteries from the effects of saturated fat.
2. Red wine raises the "good" levels of cholesterol, helps prevent the formation of blood clots, and protects your arteries from the "bad" cholesterol.
3. Red wine contains anti-oxidants which help prevent the signs of aging, osteoporosis, and type II diabetes.
4. Red wine may help prevent lung cancer from the anti-oxidant Guercetin, which assists in making radiation more effective and inhibits cancer cell's ability to function.
5. Red wine may help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
Playing devil's advocate...
Effects of alcohol on a fetus (5 or more drinks consumed in a sitting-Whoa!)**
1. The child may have a flat face, small eye sockets, and a small head.
2. Growth problems. They may be smaller then others their age. I have always been smaller then ones my age but I'm pretty confident it's genetic.
3. Learning behaviors
4. Birth defects
5. Problems feeding or bonding as a newborn.
I am not sure where I read/heard this but it is my understanding that the biggest risk to drinking alcohol while pregnant is dehydration. Therefore, drinking water while having your glass of wine will help prevent that. You're welcome.
If all consumed alcohol harmed every babes that has been born...we'd all be screwed. But we all turned out OK, right?
Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical professional in any way, shape, or form. I have not done any medical research or have any intention of doing so. This is based on my opinion, my experience, and some articles I've read on the internet only. Both of my pregnancies have/had ZERO complications and are perfectly healthy children to date. I am NOT responsible for your decisions. Ever.
*Benefits of red wine on the body
**Alcohol effects on a fetus
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